Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Jaclyn...

In my group of friends, March is one of the months that we look forward to the most. The reason? Several of us have birthdays in March. Jaclyn's is on the 7th, Bre's on the 12th, Caroline's on the 20th, and George's on the 31st. This means that during the month of March, there are a lot of birthday celebrations. Since Jaclyn's birthday was on Monday, we went to Cheap Seats Sunday night for a few drinks. I drove so, like always, I was the sober one.

We all had a good time playing pool and talking, and by the time we left, several of the girls were drunk; including Jaclyn and Anne. By the time we got back to the dorms, it was only 11:00. None of us wanted to go to sleep so Anne followed me and Jaclyn into our room and set up the Super Nintendo.

First, my two drunk friends had to figure out what game to play.

"Let's play Aladdin," Jaclyn yelled, slurring her words.

"No. That...is a one player game. And I...want to play a two player game." Anne spoke with great emphasis so that Jaclyn would understand exactly what she was trying to say.

"Aladdin is better."

"Noparooni. We are playing whatever game is already in the system."

"But I don't want to play that."

"Do you even know what it is?"

"Do you know what your face is?"

Jaclyn was silent.

"Exactly." Anne had proved her point. "Check the game."

"Nooooo." Jaclyn was in no condition to be getting up.

Anne, who was sitting in our green fold out chair, pointed at the Super Nintendo and then put her finger to her nose. This symbolized that she was not going to be the one to get up and turn the game on. Jaclyn, who was sitting in her bed, put her finger on her nose and both girls turned to look at me.

"Screw that." I knew what they wanted me to do and it was not going to happen.

"But you don't have your finger on your nose." Jaclyn said, her finger still pressed to her nose.

"I don't care. I'm not playing. Why the hell would I get up and turn the game on?"

"She has a point," Anne said. "You do it."

"Why me?"

"Because I touched my nose first."

"Awww. Fuck."

Jaclyn was not happy. She agreed to do it, but knowing Jaclyn, she would do it without leaving her bed. She adjusted on the bed and laid down on her side. She reached over the side of the bed and using the controller that was closest to her, she pulled the game system to her. Normally, this wouldn't be a difficult task, but tonight, Jaclyn was drunk.

Anne and I laughed as she pulled system to her. She pulled too hard and almost lost her balance. She started sliding off the bed and screaming along with it. Anne and I didn't move as my drunken roommate hit the floor with a loud thud. Anne started laughing even harder, so hard she was snorting. This made me laugh more as we watched Jaclyn struggle to get back up. She was having a great birthday night.

She pulled her self to her feet using her bed post and started yelling at us. "You guys suck!"

We continued laughing as she stood there, beat red and trying not to laugh at herself.

"I'm not even playing anymore." She kicked the system and stomped out of the room.

"Well, I suppose that's it for the night." Anne stood from her chair, said goodnight, and left the room.

I was still laughing when Jaclyn came back in. She ignored me for the night and went to sleep. It just proves that drinking and playing video games don't go well together, especially if you can't even turn the game on.


  1. I can't believe you broke the cardinal rule in the "nose-goes" game. I hate that game with a passion, but even I still respect its rules. Tisk tisk.
    Also, I am completely kidding, but I am sorry that Jaclyn couldn't figure out how to turn on the console; they can be tricky.
    Nice post.

  2. So what game was in the console? Don't leave me hanging!

  3. I want to know what game was in there too. You should have used that opportunity to log some time on the snes yourself since they always are the ones playing. You had it set up perfectly by letting them get drunk.

  4. Nose goes is a staple. These girls really sound like they have a fever and the only prescription is more gaming.
