Monday, May 2, 2011

Time To Turn the Page

Friday was "Family Night". The six of us girls took a trip to Alliance Bank Stadium to see the Sky Chiefs play the Toledo Mud Hens. To no one's surprise, the Sky Chiefs lost, but it was fun anyways. To be honest, we weren't really there for the game. We were there for the six of us to have a good time, to relax, and to cherish the last few weeks that we had together.

Taylor, Jaclyn, Breanna, Me, Anne, and Caroline

In only 12 days, the six of us will be parting ways, not forever, but for a longer time than any of us are truly okay with. Breanna is the only one that isn't graduating, and because of this, she's losing almost every close friend she has in Oswego. We'll be leaving her to fend for herself. She's an independent girl, though, and I'm sure we'll keep in contact enough to help her through the rest of her years at Oswego.

The rest of us though, are done with Oswego. We're not coming back, not for grad school, and perhaps not even to visit. Four years of this place is definitely enough. Caroline is going to grad school at Pace to get her Master's Degree in childhood education, specializing in Special Education. She'll be living in New York City, living the stressful life of a Master's Student. She wants to teach in the city, help underprivileged youths and be a good influence on those that truly need one. She has a presence in the classroom, one that shows that she's meant to be there and I believe she'll do great things while working in the city.

Taylor, well who knows where Taylor is going to end up. Chances are she'll be staying close to home in Buffalo to work at her horse barn, keeping close to Oswego because her boyfriend still has to finish out his last two semesters. She's a girl with high hopes, graduating with a degree in Public Relations. She wants to work with a big time advertising firm, but is planning to settle for volunteer work and possibly the Peace Corp., a place where her generosity would certainly come in handy.

Jaclyn is going to be staying in Syracuse, living with her boyfriend and their dog, trying to find a job that can help put her Broadcasting Degree to good use. I'll still see her quite often since we live only a short distance from each other and she's a girl I've come to be able to rely heavily on when I need someone to talk to. She wants to be a radio personality, and some day, if she remains active in the radio business after her internship at Galaxy Communications with Dave and Gomez, I think she'll be able to accomplish this goal.

Anne is, well, working on it. She wants to work in television, working behind the scenes, using her Broadcasting and Mass Communications Degree as best she can. Her dream is to write the best scary movie of the century and direct it, scaring the pants off of everyone that watches it. She has big dreams, but they are certainly achievable if she sets her mind to it. No one else loves horror movies the way Anne does and no one has studied them more than her. Although she's staying in Syracuse with her family, she'll definitely reach her goals if she sticks to it. She's my best friend, someone I plan to spend a great deal of time with after graduation. I love Anne, my first roommate and best friend at Oswego <3

And me, well I'm moving back home to Oneida and living with my parents while I figure out exactly what I'm going to do with my future. Grad school for Elementary Education gets closer and closer, but that won't happen until January. Closing this chapter of my life is going to be difficult, but I know that I've gotten through it with some of the best friends I could have made. I love each and every one of my girls so much and I know that we'll all do our best to keep in contact throughout the years.

Leaving Oswego will be difficult because I won't just be leaving the six girls, but I'll be leaving some other great friends as well; Andrew, Sarah, Kayla, Matt O., Christian, Matt G., Cameron, Dave, Lesley, and so many more. I'll continue talking to all of them most likely, Andrew, Matt O., and Christian especially. They're great friends and I'll miss them a lot as well.

But it's time to turn a page in my life, start something new, get a full time job, and make money so I can move out of my parent's home. It's going to be tough, but it's something I know I can do. Chances are I'll move somewhere that I can move in with Andrew, the best friend a girl could ask for. We're like two peas in a pod and although I'll hate leaving my girls, he's the one that will be hardest to leave. We're inseparable and he's the best friend a girl could ask for. According to him, "we'll be friends until pigs fly through a frozen hell." Good to know.

Me, Matt O. and Andrew

So I say a great goodbye to SUNY Oswego. It was fun while it lasted. :)

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