Friday, February 11, 2011

"What the hell is a 'bajingus'?"

It's Wednesday afternoon between lunch and their next class giving them the perfect amount of time to knock off a couple more worlds in Donkey Kong. They're almost to the fourth level now, breezing through with ease due to the amount of times they've each beaten this game. They're in a treetop world now, running through a massive tree house. It's a favorite world of mine, filled with hidden baddies (bad guys) and secret bonuses. Jaclyn and Anne seem to be having trouble. The hidden baddies are their downfall. Little beavers are dropping from the sky. Jaclyn isn't paying attention during her turn, and almost gets crushed.

"Watch out for falling beavers!" Anne screams.

We start laughing. Only during Donkey Kong would you hear someone yell something as random as that. It's the best part about watching them play. They yell things that just sound so absurd.

They continue playing, yelling along the way. During the tree house world, they encounter what Anne deems the mystery banana. It's just a banana in the level that we think symbolizes a secret bonus, but we can't seem to find the bonus. She screams out "mystery banana!" and continues on. It's Anne's turn at the moment. Jaclyn's trying to tell her what to do again as she looks for the secret bonus world.

"I think you have other way...maybe...over there." Jaclyn was trying to direct her. It wasn't working.

"Can you shut up? I can't focus when you talk in that nasally annoying voice."

Anne laughs. Jaclyn throws something at her, perhaps one of the Cheetos she had been eating. We're very mature.

"Oh, thanks." Anne eats the Cheeto. Even better.

Anne finishes her world and now its Jaclyn's turn. As always, Anne is pushing the buttons on her controller as if she's the one playing. Not only is she pushing buttons, this time she decides to add her own sound effects.

"Pow!" She yells as Jaclyn jumps on a baddie. "Pow! Pow!"

"Anne! Shut the fuck up!"

"Jaclyn! Fuck your own face!"

"Seriously, Anne, can you..."

"Suck my dick? Okay," Anne says as she interrupts Jaclyn. I can't help but laugh. Jaclyn falls silent. Anne always wins.

It's Anne's turn now. New world, new problems. It's a water world; no one likes the water worlds. Swimming is difficult and annoying. Anne agrees as she yells "fuck water" at the game system. As she swims through the world, she finds a sidekick crate containing Enguarde, the swordfish that Donkey and Diddy can ride to easily get through the world. Anne calls him "Swordy". That's not his name.

"Anne, it's Enguarde," I say. I know their real names, and I hate when she attempts to rename them.

"Heather, I don't care. It's Swordy to me."

"But that's not right."

"Listen bitch, it's Swordy. Sorta Swordy," she laughs to herself. "See what I did there? Sorta Swordy. It sounds alike." She continues laugh. She's amuses herself quite often.

"Umm, wow." I try not to laugh, but she just sounds so dumb sometimes.

They continue playing, ignoring the time. When I check the clock, it reads 1:42. They both have class at 1:50. "You two not going to your classes?"

"Nope," they say simultaneously, not removing their eyes from the screen.

Anne is playing, running away from an enormous wheel controlled by a running beaver (this game has the most random baddies). She's freaking out, jumping over big gaps, yelling at Donkey Kong to move his fat ass. She jumps a gap, unsure as to whether or not her fat ass character will make the jump. He does, but barely.

"Oh my god. I'm defying gravity!" She screams.

We all laugh and break out into song. Defying Gravity, a song from the musical Wicked, happens to be a favorite of ours.

As we sing, Anne is still being chased by the beaver wheel, and consequently she is still freaking out.

"Holy shit. He is right on my bajingus!"

"Anne, what the hell is a bajingus?" It's a word I've never once heard before, but it makes me laugh hysterically.

"No time to explain," she says frantically. "I need to beat this and your talking is breaking my concentration. So shut it!" Being polite goes out the window during our video game sessions.

I let her finish the world, watching her as she seems to be almost sweating. She lets out a sigh of relief when she finally reaches the end of the world. "For the love of Pete's sake! That was nerve-racking."

Then comes a knock on the door. It can only be one person, Bre, as she's the only one that knocks before she enters the room. I yell that it's open and Bre walks in.

"Stop right there, Bre."

Bre freezes. "What?"

"Don't move. Jaclyn, go save."

"Oh, you're a bitch," Bre tells Anne.

We laugh. Bre is famous for kicking the system, so I completely understand why Anne is taking such precautions. They save the game and enter a new level. It's Jaclyn's turn. She runs through the world as Diddy, entering a secret bonus area. After she defeats the area, her character, Diddy, throws his hat in the air, catches it, and puts it back on his head. For some reason, Jaclyn claims that she can do this. She's uncoordinated, so immediately we don't believe her. She promises to prove it later, and we look forward to watching her hurt herself.

The girls play for another hour or so until Jaclyn has to go to work and Anne has to go to rugby practice. I hang out until dinner time. This is when Jaclyn decides to show us her hat flipping skills. She grabs our friend Matt's hat off his head and tosses into the air. It flips a few times, but instead of catching it, she misses and it hits her in the face.

"Wow, you suck." Anne shows no mercy, making everyone laugh. It's plain and simple; we need more exciting lives.


  1. Since you didn't tell us what a "bajingus" was I googled it. Google doesn't know either, although there is a person named Joe Bajingus. Poor Joe, what a terrible last name to have.

    I like your story and your friends, especially since I know Anne. I'm curious to what game system you are playing Donkey Kong on. Is it Super Nintendo? Because that system was the shit.

    -Chris G

    1. i am Joe Bajingus. It is not a terrible name. For 30 years ive said Bajingus in stead of cursing. At work, when a sales person or someone i didnt want to talk with asked my name, I would say Joe Bajingus. It ended up appearing on professional web sites and i was listed as a procurement officer and my coworkers and i always hot a kick out of it when someone would call the office looking for Joe Bajingus. Sooo i am Joe Bajingud

  2. I thought the same thing as Chris. I'm glad he took the time to Google it. Your friends seem pretty die hard, thats impressive. You do a great job of illustrating their actions, I can imagine the whole thing taking place.

  3. Brings back the memories of playing classic games. I like how you capture your friends' attitudes and show how they interact with each other. Well done.

    Justin N

  4. I liked how each of them skipped class to continue playing the game. I had Donkey Kong for my Gameboy way back when, and have certainly spent my fair share of hours staring at that screen.
    Your dialogue is very funny, everyone involved seems to be a good focal point for a blog. Nice job.
